Instructions for use Cardione

Any remedy for hypertension is the normalization and stabilization of blood pressure. The danger lies in the fact that the process can go too abruptly, which also becomes a source of problems. The advantage of Cardione tablets is their mild action, in which the decrease or increase in performance occurs gradually. The drug has a cumulative, that is, cumulative effect, so its effect continues even after the course is stopped.

How to use Cardione

Cardione is taken in the morning and evening

Tablets have a concentrated composition, so you need to use them strictly according to the instructions. The recommended time for taking it is in the morning and in the evening, before or during meals. Do not increase the dose, as this can lead to an excess of active substances in the blood and cause an increase in the load on the organs.

Indications for use of the capsules C

Hypertension is accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms, the totality of which allows you to quite clearly determine the onset of an attack. Cardione is indicated for use when four or more signs are observed at the same time:

  • throbbing headache from localizations in the temples or the back of the head;
  • constant tinnitus;
  • memory problems;
  • profuse sweating;
  • sudden chills;
  • visual impairment - double vision, flies in front of the eyes, blur;
  • swelling of the face;
  • chronic fatigue, weakness, numbness in the extremities.

Contraindications for Cardione tablets

Although no allergic reactions were detected during clinical trials in Portugal, allergy sufferers should use the drug with caution. It is not recommended to take it during pregnancy, lactation and under 18 years. Keep out of the reach of children and animals.